About us

SoftBrains We are "Controls, Automation and Instrumentation" service provider company managed by a professional team of qualified and experienced technocrats, who, amongst them have over 100 man years of experience covering a wide variety of products, engineering, software development, site commissioning and application knowledge base. Besides the inhouse resources, our operations also includes more than 25 networked engineers dedicated to deliver quality and in time tasks with a high degree of efficiency. The resource pool of networked engineers provides expertise in different application / domain areas and also with the experience of working on different platforms.


SoftBrains Is a totally "customer oriented" company committed to the cause of providing technology, solutions & resources to benefit our customers by increasing their profitability and winning them more business. Our efforts benefit our customers to keep them ahead of competition and ahead of time.


SoftBrains is actually an offshoot of Genius Automation Private Limited - a system Integration company based out of Bangalore, India which served customers in India and other countries including USA and Middle East.


Our goal is to help our clients benefit from our experience and expertise to remain competitive win more business and at better profit margins.
Quality Standards: We follow strict quality policies to make sure our deliverables are in complete adherence to client standards.
